Tag Archives: Mental Clutter

What if?

“As we grow we tend to hide our human tendency of asking questions behind our existing knowledge and titles! ”

Today I sat and asked few questions to myself, without forcing any answers right away but giving enough attention to that part of my life?

What If my energy levels matched my aspirations for physical challenges?

What if the mental clutter was all gone and it was all clarity of mind in everything I do?

What if I was able to travel a new place every 3 months (near or far) on my bucket list?

What if I was able to feed my mind with good information every day?

What if Meditation/Reflection/Mind time was Non-negotiable in daily life?

What if I put in my intention on everything I eat or drink every day?

What if I knew that limit of having money & resources I need to live a happy & healthy life?

What if decided to listen more than planning my next talk all the time?

What if all the physical clutter was gone and all I was left with space and things I love the most?

What if I started putting my Intention first and evaluating it regularly?

What if it matters the most how my conscious feels and I act accordingly?

And so much more….

Have you asked any questions to yourself lately, I would love to know about them?

In hope of discovering myself more deeper and making you part of my Simplifying Journey.

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Please feel free to comment or give feedback. I would love to know about any changes you made or plan to make to live a simpler & joyous life.

Connect to me on Twitter @dailysimple2016



What Race are You Running?


In so many ways it s true that we all are running our own races, everyday.

Point is what race are you running?

Race to have a best health and Nutrition?

Race to have a great Mental Health?

Race to have an amazing Married life?

Race to have good memories and experiences with your kids?

Race to add more value to your community?

Race to have the biggest, most upgraded house in your friend circle?

Race to have the best & heaviest furniture ?

Race to have the costliest coolest symbol on your car?

Race to brand yourself Up?

Race to throw the best party in your social circle?

Race to have the most luxurious vacation ?

Race to have a great life of less regerts and more experiences to share ?

End of the day we are either satisfied or dissatisfied with our races. Reason is our intention and longevity of satisfaction it provides us. Some races don’t even have a finish line, so you never reach there.

Now a days I’m in a race to reach to the point where I enjoy my present moment by being fully present. Reducing the noise and distractions of every next thing approaching me and my attention to be purchased or needed -Right NOW !!!

Are you on some race of your own or trying to run a New one ?

In hope of discovering myself more deeper and making you part of my Simplifying Journey.

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Please feel free to comment or give feedback. Also I would love to know about any changes you made or plan to make to live a simpler & joyous life.

Connect to me on Twitter @dailysimple2016


Peace of Mind

“Set Peace of Mind as your highest goal and organize your life around it”

As per my experience, there used to be a time when I had everything but no peace of mind, now I have peace of mind I don’t need everything.

As complicated as it sounds with trend of Mental clutter, it is very simple to achieve Peace of mind. It needs small changes in our attitude & habits.

We need to go to the source of the Mental clutter. It is different for everybody but when you reach on your pillow at night start observing the noises, unresolved issues, desires and thoughts.

I started paying attention to my thoughts, few things came out on top of the list are as follows( again it differs to each one of us),

1- Knowing beyond control & in your control situations.

2-You can’t please everyone at the same time.

3- Every phase of life comes with unique demand of changes, accept and go with the flow.

4- Build your self image, stop beating yourself. Give discount of human error to yourself too.

5-Don’t dwell in past so much that you loose the focus on your today. In fact present is all we have to show for.

6- Limit yourself on thinking about something, overthinking only takes you down.

7- Forgive more, Judge less

8- Trust me you can’t change anyone expect your own self.  So invest time and energy in self development. Remember learning never stops.

9- Practice Gratitude Everyday, even for the most mundane things in your life. Sometimes I am just thrilled for a nice cup of coffee in my hand.

10- Last but not the least- Try to make choices in alignment of your Peace of mind. A day lived hurried is a day not lived.

Some changes helping me to get better are, doing Self talk, writing a simple journal & meditating everyday. I am not in constant chase of materialistic life & comparing life with others.

I am not striving for perfection but daily habit of doing all this. I make sure to give some outlet for heavy thoughts & spend some time reflecting everyday. When I am on my bed, I’m ready to rest and rejuvenate for next day.

Do you have any changes which helped you to have more Peace of mind?

In hope of discovering myself more deeper and making you part of my Simplifying Journey.

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Please feel free to comment or give feedback. Also I would love to know about any changes you made or plan to make to live a joyous life.

Connect to me on Twitter @dailysimple2016