Tag Archives: Clarity

Life’s Simple Pleasures

Sometimes we are too busy waiting for that perfect moment to happen where everything will be exactly as we want….and life moves on.

When sitting in quiet our minds are wandering around. Looking for that one high moment in the day to feel its worth.

Time has taught me that we have everything around us most of the time to make it perfect, it’s how you look at it. Simple things at present I am enjoying, seeing my daughter having a  conversation with her toys. My husband enjoying a good workout & giving a winning smile post workout. My dog trying to cling to me, just a little bit closer.

Sometimes it only takes simple lunch with my friend or a heartfelt quick chat with an acquaintance while walking my dog. As simple as completing a simple task out of my to do list.

Have you ever experienced the joy of simple in your life recently? I would love to know about them.

In hope of discovering myself deeper and making you part of my Simplifying Journey.

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Please feel free to comment or give feedback. I would love to know about any changes you made or plan to make to live a simpler & joyous life.

Connect to me on Twitter @dailysimple2016



What if?

“As we grow we tend to hide our human tendency of asking questions behind our existing knowledge and titles! ”

Today I sat and asked few questions to myself, without forcing any answers right away but giving enough attention to that part of my life?

What If my energy levels matched my aspirations for physical challenges?

What if the mental clutter was all gone and it was all clarity of mind in everything I do?

What if I was able to travel a new place every 3 months (near or far) on my bucket list?

What if I was able to feed my mind with good information every day?

What if Meditation/Reflection/Mind time was Non-negotiable in daily life?

What if I put in my intention on everything I eat or drink every day?

What if I knew that limit of having money & resources I need to live a happy & healthy life?

What if decided to listen more than planning my next talk all the time?

What if all the physical clutter was gone and all I was left with space and things I love the most?

What if I started putting my Intention first and evaluating it regularly?

What if it matters the most how my conscious feels and I act accordingly?

And so much more….

Have you asked any questions to yourself lately, I would love to know about them?

In hope of discovering myself more deeper and making you part of my Simplifying Journey.

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Please feel free to comment or give feedback. I would love to know about any changes you made or plan to make to live a simpler & joyous life.

Connect to me on Twitter @dailysimple2016



What Race are You Running?


In so many ways it s true that we all are running our own races, everyday.

Point is what race are you running?

Race to have a best health and Nutrition?

Race to have a great Mental Health?

Race to have an amazing Married life?

Race to have good memories and experiences with your kids?

Race to add more value to your community?

Race to have the biggest, most upgraded house in your friend circle?

Race to have the best & heaviest furniture ?

Race to have the costliest coolest symbol on your car?

Race to brand yourself Up?

Race to throw the best party in your social circle?

Race to have the most luxurious vacation ?

Race to have a great life of less regerts and more experiences to share ?

End of the day we are either satisfied or dissatisfied with our races. Reason is our intention and longevity of satisfaction it provides us. Some races don’t even have a finish line, so you never reach there.

Now a days I’m in a race to reach to the point where I enjoy my present moment by being fully present. Reducing the noise and distractions of every next thing approaching me and my attention to be purchased or needed -Right NOW !!!

Are you on some race of your own or trying to run a New one ?

In hope of discovering myself more deeper and making you part of my Simplifying Journey.

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Please feel free to comment or give feedback. Also I would love to know about any changes you made or plan to make to live a simpler & joyous life.

Connect to me on Twitter @dailysimple2016


SIMPLICITY- Quality or condition of being easy to understand or do.

Clarity, Simpleness, Intelligibility, understandibility, accessibility.

Reading this, I thought don’t we all want one or another of these words ito incorporate in our lives. More straightforwardness, more EASY around us.

Then why Life is not SIMPLE now ?

Since last two years I am on journey of simplifying my life. I’ve realized its not normal to be simple anymore. BIG House, More stuff, Full wardrobe and more gadgets, constant comparisons are norms of life.

It was overwhelming to pick one area of life to start. So I did what I do best, made  a list of all needed my attention.

My Health, Relationships, Time, Finances, Personal Growth, Travel & Contribution.

I recently went through 2 big Losses, My Mother and 20 weeks Miscarriage. Both losses were more than I can handle. During that ordeal, it kept crossing my mind, we all really come with limited time, life is not forever Why we always wait for later years to reflect on life & make it better?  Why not now, Why not today when time is real , life is real ?

What if we start valuing each day. Zoom in on important things and not worry about less important.

What will help me to focus on my important things in the rut of everyday life?

After lot of reading and introspection It came out that its all about TIME, SPACE & CLARITY OF MIND.

So first step was to clear my space of living. There goes all the unnecessary stuff out my house, stuff waiting to be used or not touched for 6 months to year. The instant effect of  decluttering was more time to think and spend with my precious 3.5 yr old Daughter. I was not thinking about the next thing to buy. I came out of stuffocation. It was Simplifying by not buying anymore & living content with what was left. Minimal stuff with maximum difference.

Next came Health and other listed areas of life. Believe me when I say , I had to break rules learned so far. In pursuing simplicity I discovered my true self. These small changes raised quality of my life like never before.

If you’d like to know what all changes helped me & my family to live rich life everyday, please subscribe.

In hope of discovering myself more deeper and making you part of my Simplifying Journey.

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Please feel free to comment or give feedback. Also I would love to know about any changes you made or plan to make to live a joyous life.

Connect to me on Twitter @dailysimple2016