Tag Archives: Lifestyle

What if?

“As we grow we tend to hide our human tendency of asking questions behind our existing knowledge and titles! ”

Today I sat and asked few questions to myself, without forcing any answers right away but giving enough attention to that part of my life?

What If my energy levels matched my aspirations for physical challenges?

What if the mental clutter was all gone and it was all clarity of mind in everything I do?

What if I was able to travel a new place every 3 months (near or far) on my bucket list?

What if I was able to feed my mind with good information every day?

What if Meditation/Reflection/Mind time was Non-negotiable in daily life?

What if I put in my intention on everything I eat or drink every day?

What if I knew that limit of having money & resources I need to live a happy & healthy life?

What if decided to listen more than planning my next talk all the time?

What if all the physical clutter was gone and all I was left with space and things I love the most?

What if I started putting my Intention first and evaluating it regularly?

What if it matters the most how my conscious feels and I act accordingly?

And so much more….

Have you asked any questions to yourself lately, I would love to know about them?

In hope of discovering myself more deeper and making you part of my Simplifying Journey.

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Please feel free to comment or give feedback. I would love to know about any changes you made or plan to make to live a simpler & joyous life.

Connect to me on Twitter @dailysimple2016



My Simple Life

“When we are craving Simplicity, We are not after easier life,We are after Life”

2 years back I changed my mindset, to live a life I love. There are always times when you compare your social life/material life/health/ vacations etc. Too much time on social media, socializing & rush of advertisements can make you feel discontent.

I slowed down to commit my feelings to myself. I took account of things I was doing everyday i.e either acquiring stuff or planning /working to acquire some more.

I started giving more thought to simple & meaningful life. I learned not to overcrowd my mind with doing it all. To say No to events & stuff, that urge of doing something all the time. Now I understand the expense of saying yes to every next thing/invitation. Every yes to outside world can cost you family time/Exercise/Rest/ learning & contribution.

I keep my Family time on top, doing something enriching together. Your goal is to take initiative and create life you enjoy, job you love, house you can manage. Enough money to live and save for vacations & retirement.

As per my experience when You loose someone, the first thing you think about are all the good times spent together, not material possessions he/she own. Something to think about !

Don’t Value your time only with money but what else you do with it?

Questions I had to ask myself to get clarity in My life-

1-Are you overworked, stressed. Are you waiting it to rectify it till its too late?

2-When was the last time you thought beyond your material self- beyond accumulation of gadgets/cars/clothes etc.?

3-What are the changes you plan to do today for your Simple life today & tomorrow?

I started with small changes. Observing quality of choices I make all day.

What I read/watch?

What exercise I did today / What did I do to relax today?

What came planned and what was unplanned and how I react to it?

What did I do to be my better self tomorrow?

How much undivided time I shared with my family ?

I am still a work in progress, but life is certainly simple. I’ve learned to say No. My pacifiers are changed to reading and watching videos in line of my interest. I give more time to Running, Hiking & doing Yoga. More spouse/daughter time. I know what am I doing today has a positive impact on my life tomorrow.

Now with sincere thoughts, energy and planning, my days are simpler. I feel content of using my time and seeing the difference in my family life & health.

(Bonus -our finances are getting in better shape and we have time & money to plan amazing vacations)

Do you have any changes which helped you to be more Time Rich ?

In hope of discovering myself more deeper and making you part of my Simplifying Journey.

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Please feel free to comment or give feedback. Also I would love to know about any changes you made or plan to make to live a joyous life.

Connect to me on Twitter @dailysimple2016