Tag Archives: Zen

Find your Zen

“The only Zen you find at the top of the mountain is the Zen you bring with you ” Zen Proverb

By Dictionary- zen is a total state of focus that incorporates a total togetherness of body and mind. Zen is a way of being. It also is a state of mind. Zen involves dropping illusion and seeing things without distortion created by your own thoughts.

In a layman language- Zen is the space where you are mindful, content and in peace with your life. It’s your happy space in all goodness.

Zen is different for different people. It differs in different phases of your life as it appears.

When I was in search of my Zen, I found it in and around my family life. What I give or get in that space. I found how focusing on one event at a time gives me more fulfillment than constantly running after next one. I was more aware of my present surroundings. Also making a choice of doing what I love & good at rather following the norms

My Zen time included meditation, exercise, stretching, reading or just a simple cup of tea made with intention

Question is, are you hurried or always consumed with the very next event.  Missing the essence of present moment. Are there any habits you know that will help you to be more present and productive, you have experienced it but you can’t commit to them yet.

Have you ever experienced simple exercise of conscious breathing and the awareness followed by that. The feel of open space and clarity .

I found some for me,

1- Meditation

2- Practice mindfulness & gratitude

3- Reflection

4-Living balanced life


It helps to be consistent. Its a marathon for sure but I see the difference in overall well being and the life I live now.

What is your Zen , what makes you content?

Please share in a comment section I would love to read about it.

Thanks for reading.

Lets’s live simple.
